Saturday, October 5, 2013

YFC AdDU: Momentum

Igniting the flame, living the mission and shouting God's grace fueled this young individuals of Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) into hosting this amazing and God-filled event. Their journey as a campus is indeed an amazing story to tell and with that, it is then reasonable that this event be themed with Momentum.
As defined in merriam-webster, momentum is the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes. With that in mind, we can then conclude that such a word will fit best the status of YFC AdDU. From a team comprising of few people, this campus has grown big having members gifted with talents in different fields such as music, dancing, preaching and above all proclaiming God's greatness.
The program started with the teaching of songs and afterwards Ralph Monteverde stepped in as their worship leader, he then continued the event by introducing several sharers wherein all of them shared  their momentum in different aspects of life, namely; Deo Pantua for Change, Kimberly Cagna-an for Studies, Rigie Tamala for Lovelife, and Gail Villaceran for Service. Upon touching the crowd with their stories of downfalls and victories, the worship leader then led the participants into a reflection and ended with a praisefest.
True enough, God revealed His majestic presence and showered His amazing grace to everyone who was present there. After three years since the last praisefest, it was also a huge victory for YFC AdDU as whole for it was participated by more than 100 youths from different universities and having a service team wherein majority were first timers. All in all, victory was truly achieved and as for YFC AdDU, this will not be the end but a precious moment to continue their momentum with Christ as their driver in this journey of life.

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