Few hours from now, the world will be celebrating Christmas, one of the happiest event where people would gather, reunite and share food, smiles and love. But what is Christmas for those who were victims of the typhoon Pablo? Homeless brethren of ours, starving due to lack of food, and those who treat Christmas as any other normal day? Is there still something for them to celebrate?
Last December 4, 2012, various places in the Philippines were badly hit by typhoon Pablo and among of these locations were New Bataan, Compostela Valley and Davao Oriental. There are hundreds of people died from the flash floods, land slides and other catastrophes caused by the said typhoon. And aside from those who died, there are still thousands of people suffering from lack of water, food, shelter and of course, reasons to celebrate Christmas.
We might be distressed because our dessert does not taste good, we did not receive our desired gift, or we just don't feel Christmas because fireworks are banned in our place. In addition to that, we might just tend to ignore the blessings that happened to us and focused our attentions to the things we desire. Lame reasons that we find burdensome that blinds us from the true realities of life. While we mutter about the things we do not have, more people tend to be depressed and felt loneliness due to the circumstances they are in.
As I end this article, may we look into the blessings showered upon us and erase from our heads that we are not loved because we did not receive the one we desire. May we also pray for those who were affected by the typhoon so that through our prayers they may somehow find reason to celebrate Christmas, so that somehow they may feel that we are still here for them.
Merry Christmas to all of us!
May we be fearless enough to Stand for those who are in need!