Monday, January 20, 2014

Let it Go

Well upon playing repetitively the song "Let it Go" from Frozen it simply came to me that indeed we should let our skills, talents and art skyrocket to the heavens.
I usually see people who hides their God-given gift due to pressure and fear. The pressure from people whether one could reach their expectation and fear where to go afterward.

Even myself is subject to these pressure and sometimes I simply decide to be just like most people who doesn't bother challenge the system, and be a voiceless looser who keeps enduring everything until such time that I am get used to it.
As what Frozen wants to instill in us, we should try developing our talents in the light of love than be plainly succumbed into darkness and fear. Allow ourselves to let it go and also be accountable to the results :)

Self-Confidence - Reflection

21 Humility deserves honor and respect, but a low opinion of yourself leads to sin. - Sirach 4:21

Its been a long time since I have updated this blog of mine and the embarrassing part would be the last article was just a copy pasted bible verse.

The very thing that comes in my mind upon reading the verse above would simply be a suggestion that one should be humble and at the same time confident in his/herself. Oftentimes, the one who is humble deserves praises and respect yet again as mentioned in the bible, its not about it all of a lot of people are truly humble yet they also have a very low opinion of one self. Now you might be asking, how can we achieve humility and still be confident about ourselves.

For me, the first value that one should develop would be self-confident. Achieving such should begin with identifying your capabilities and strengths. Many people who thinks they are low also believes they do not have any unique ability at all which is completely the opposite. Try exploring many things even if you fail for such approach will surely lead you to the one your good at.

The second step would be establishing your humility. I believe this is the hardest part for the nature of most human person is indeed full of pride. I do even admit that I have humility issues :(. Anyways, allow me to continue. Humility as defined in wikipedia is an act or posture of lowering oneself in relation to others. This might sound simply but applying it in real life is really difficult considering that you're already successful in the first part. Aside from simply acknowledging your abilities above, we should also acknowledge that there will always be someone greater than us and there will always be room for learning and improvement.

Again, those were just simple inputs with very limited details in relation to the verse I have mentioned. And as a conclusion, I believe that a true humble person is someone who has the capacity to do many things or even a particular thing yet he/she simply act and finishes a job without shouting to the world that its his/her accomplishment.

Good night everyone :)