Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Thought of Pride

Have you ever looked down a person before? Maybe its due to his/her appearance, capability whether he/she is mentally challenge or simply obtains very low grade. Other than that, it could be the lifestyle they have. Perhaps one would say this is naturally occurring among men to be judgmental or simply be a critic to others, however, if we look at it closely, it will still boil down to how you see yourself.

Even until now, I haven't noticed a person with a low projection of his/herself criticize others. No matter how superior that low esteemed person might be, he/she would not even talk about the weaknesses and failures of others. From this standpoint we can establish that those who are full or partially full of themselves are the ones who have the guts to talk about others. And thus, we can conclude that pride is truly at work here.

Just like the story of the tax collector and the pharisee when they were at the temple offering. the latter was able to make some criticisms to the former due to his pride. And as what Jesus mentioned in that story, the one who is more deserving to be in heaven was the tax collector who simply accepted that he have done something wrong.

A Happy Mood

Its been a while since my last article and until now, I can't manage to write something that will somehow attract people.
I just decided to make this one just to express how grateful am I to all of our teachers this semester, by the way, I finished our last exam just this afternoon so right now, its the start of my official summer break :).
Anyhow, this semester might be the toughest of them all so far with so many requirements and the grades we need to catch up. Not to mention all of the extra curricular activities that I also need to consider. It was indeed an exhausting journey yet the reward is much much bigger. This coming April 4, I will be flying to Palawan together with our brother's and sister's in Christ to be part of the ICON Revival. This will be my second International conference and I am very excited.

I guess that will be all for now. This write-up is just to somehow relieve my stress and express how grateful am I to my friends, classmates, family and of course, to our Lord Almighty.

Kitakits sa PALAWAN Kapatid!