Being judged or being judgmental might be one of the most common source of conflict and misunderstanding. However the problem may rise on whether we have really judge or is it something else.
While I do consider myself as a judgmental person, I came to realize this thought that all of us whether old, young, professional or out of school have attached meanings to various words, gestures and things we encounter. This may be the result of a social norms or how other people describe it to us and its not a sin nor we are to be blamed for that. With all of these meanings, its inevitable for us to filter the thought/idea attached to a certain word when we happen to read or hear it. For example, when we hear the word dog or cat, some might say it's a pet or perhaps others would consider them ferocious but then again, its not a sin because it had been imprinted in us.
Now saying ones a judgmental person starts by simply stating a notion or first impression you have for her/him because in the first place, we do render our first impression to everyone. However, if one sticks to that particular idea of that same person, then I believe one now becomes judgmental, especially when that someone doesn't even bother to ask questions as to why and how he/she came to be.
Now before you say someone is judgmental, how about asking that very question to yourself. :)
Good day and advance happy weekend!