Thursday, May 10, 2012

My ideal partner

    I will tell you in advance, this article is not about me :).
    Almost all of us have ideal qualities that we tend to seek from a certain individual. We can even say that those who posses such qualities will make a certain person "perfect" in our own eyes.
    The most common quality that people are looking for are the looks or appearance. We tend to seek beautiful partner for many believe that having such partner would satisfy our human desires, and this is very evident among men at young age. If given the chance, boys would really court the most beautiful girl they will meet and the most popular girl at school.
    This kind of attitude among boys may result to inferiority among girls with less fortunate appearance (no offense) for they are being ignored and are seemingly unnoticed. But the strange reality is that no matter how perfect that girl would be in your eyes, she will not be with you for your entire life. I am not saying that you should look for an ugly wife or partner but what I am saying is do not look for a perfect person for that person does NOT exist. Or put it this way, you might be able to find a perfect girl but we might never know, she might also be looking for a perfect boy, and when that time arrives, can you assure yourself that you will be that perfect boy? Complicated much? haha
    The old saying tell us that "love is blind", would you agree? For me, its a big YES. When looking for a partner, do not let your brain and sense of sight do the quality checking but rather use your heart to relate to that person. Look for a person that would make you happy without doing anything, a person that would make your heart jump for joy when looking at her smile, a person that is unlikely to posses your ideal qualities(not necessary) and lastly a person you truly love.

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