Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fear to Fail

     As the old saying goes; "na sa huli ang pagsi-sisi", it reiterates that regrets for failing in something only follows after a certain deed had already took place.
     As I travel back to Davao to face my studies, streams of worries, fear and dilemma surges into my mind. Questions such as, what if i fail? what will I do, and how can I manage? Starts to bother my inner consciousness.
     I do not desire failure and its consequences for it would mean defeat for most of my part. Furthermore, I do not wish to disappoint my parents and of course, disappointing myself.
     Anyhow, what I did mentioned above were just mere assumptions in order to prepare myself for the worst case to come, but right now,   I still do have time to correct my mistake, reverse the situation and uplift my self-esteem. Besides, life is what you make it and do not just depend on raw dictations of fate.
     As I continue pursuing my dream, I am reminded of how obstacles and hardships shape us into a better person. How trials disturbs us when we are already comfortable, bothers us when we are already at peace and challenges us when we are already at ease.

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